dijous, 19 de juliol del 2012

Recull d'articles sobre decreixement

Recull d'articles publicats en el  newsletter del juliol de Research & Degrowth 

How to shrink the French Economy? by Erik Assadourian - Wall Street Journal

In Praise of Leisure ? Chronicle

Myth of Perpetual Growth is killing America ? Market Watch

Degrowth and employment ? La Vanguardia (Spain)


Mujica: ?Yo no soy pobre? - La Republica (Uruguay)

Happiness: No longer the dismal science? - The Economist (UK)
They argue that happiness can be measured objectively; that it differs systematically across societies and over time; that happiness has predictable causes and is correlated to specific things (such as wealth, income distribution, health and political institutions); and that therefore it should be possible for the government to create the right conditions for happiness to flourish.

Shoots, greens and leaves - The Economist (UK)
Rich countries prospered without worrying much about the environment. Poor and middle-income countries do not have that luxury.

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